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The distillery was set up by John Cumming, who had previously been a whisky smuggler, in 1824. The distillery was sited high up on Mannoch Hill, above the River Spey due to the peat softening the water. The distillery started as farm distillery working on a seasonal basis after the harvest had been gathered. The distillery was mainly run by his wife Helen who used to sell bottles of whisky to passers-by through the window of their farmhouse. Due to the hill the farm distillery was on, Helen would be able to see the police coming and would throw flour on herself and say that she was baking bread to disguise the smell. She would then offer them tea and fly a flag outside so that the other nearby distilleries could see and take prompt action. In 1885 the distillery was rebuilt on a new piece of land but continued to stay in the hands of the Cummings, being run by Elizabeth Cumming, the daughter-in-law of Helen Cumming. The stills from the old distillery building were sold to William Grant who set up Glenfiddich distillery. The new building and stills meant that Cardhu could produce triple the amount of whisky it had previously produced. These higher production levels led to Johnnie Walker and Sons buying much of Cardhu’s output to put into their increasingly popular blend. In 1893 Elizabeth Cumming sold the distillery to Johnnie Walker and Sons on the condition that the Cumming family could continue the day-to-day running of the distillery. Cardhu distillery kept working under these conditions until the onset of the Second World War when wartime restrictions meant that it was harder to use barley for distilling purposes. In 1960 the distillery’s still-house, mash-house and tun-room were rebuilt, and in 1970 steam coils were introduced to heat the stills and the number of stills was increased to six. Spring water from Mannoch Hill started to be mixed with water from the local Lynne burn to supply the increased production of the distillery.


Diplomático Single Vintage 2007, Cihuatán Alux, English Harbour Port Cask Finish, Rum Shark Dominicana 2011 SV Barrel 1

Rumový Valentýn

Diplomático Single Vintage 2007, Cihuatán Alux, English Harbour Port Cask Finish, Rum Shark Dominicana 2011 SV Barrel 1





Rum vyrábí v Dominikánské republice mistr Don Pedro Ramón, který pokračuje v klasické výrobě rumu používané na Kubě, odkud jeho rodina pochází. Rodina původem z Mallorky se na Kubě usadila v polovině 19. století a poté založila a mnoho let provozovala cukrovar a palírnu.

Historie a výroba skotské whisky ve zkratce...

Pálení whisky má ve Skotsku dlouhou tradici a o prvopočátcích výroby není mnoho dochovaných informací. První dostupné údaje o várce jsou z konce 15. století, přesněji z roku 1494, kdy je v královských účetních knihách uveden prodej ječmene klášteru za účelem výroby aqua vitae. Míní se, že vaření dorazilo do Skotska z Irska někdy v 6. století. Přesný rok však není znám. V 19. století napomohl technickému rozvoji palíren pokrok dopravy a infrastruktury, základní způsoby varu však zůstaly stejné.
Single malt se obilí namáčí v pramenité vodě, která má svůj vliv na charakteristiku destilátu (tóny rašeliny, tóny vřesu). Zvlhlý ječmen se nechává tradičním způsobem naklíčit na tzv. malting floor (sladová podlaha), i když dnes už mnoho výrobců používá mechanizované linky na sladování. Během klíčení se škrob v zrnu mění na cukr, a vzniká tak syrový materiál na kvašení. Po vyklíčení se obilí vysuší, což také ovlivňuje chuť nápoje. Vysušené obilí nebo slad se pak pomele a zalije horkou vodou. Tato obilná tekutina se přečerpá do nádrže, kde se do ní přidají kvasinky a kvasný proces může začít. Vykvašená tekutina, nazývaná také wash, je základem pro destilaci single malt whisky.
Cafe Bulldog Palenice Whiskey distillery Connemara


Unique among Irish whiskeys, Connemara® is the only Irish Peated Single Malt Whiskey widely available today. Inspired by the 18th century art of drying malting barley over peat fires, Connemara® possesses a distinct peaty flavour and aroma,instilling a delicate smokiness and smooth, sweet taste. Its complex peat flavours and smooth, sweet malt taste make it a truly unique Irish whiskey. Connemara® is a highly decorated Irish whiskey receiving over 20 medals in major spirits competitions since 2012.

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Cafe Bulldog Palenice Whiskey distillery Cardhu


The distillery was set up by John Cumming, who had previously been a whisky smuggler, in 1824. The distillery was sited high up on Mannoch Hill, above the River Spey due to the peat softening the water.

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Cafe Bulldog Pálenice Whiskey distillery BenRiach


Although BenRiach started producing malt whisky back in 1898, the distillery was a victim of unfortunate timing; BenRiach was operational for just two years before the ‘Pattison crash’, in 1900, resulted in a period of hardship for the entire whisky industry, and the resultant closure of many distilleries.

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Cafe Bulldog

Jak už z názvu Cafe Bulldog vyplývá, jedná se o kavárnu, a protože lidé milují chuť a vůni dobré kávy, která se zejména v kavárnách podává, můžeme Vám nabídnout ze široké nabídky vybraných kvalitních káv…


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